Join us April 6th for: World Talks, sheltering refugees future-proof
Join us April 6th for: World Talks, sheltering refugees future-proof
"Sheltering refugees future-proof:
you can make a difference"
We like to think that refugees are free to be themselves again in the Netherlands. But is this a perception or reality? Since the start of the war in Ukraine, we have become increasingly aware of the refugees in our midst. Are we more united with Ukrainian refugees than those from other parts of the world? The welcome we extended to them last year gave rise to mixed feelings among aid groups which have been working for years to ensure a humane reception for all refugees. So why were Ukrainians welcomed in a different way than others?
In this edition of World Talks journalist Frénk van der Linden talks to various guests who have experienced the consequences of the war in Ukraine up close in the past year. We hear first-hand how Anna Sushko experienced being in the Netherlands as a Ukrainian refugee and how free she feels to be herself in her new situation. Pauline van Tuyll, a member of the board at Welkom in Wageningen, will talk about Vluchtelingenwerk’s role and how we can use the refugee organisation’s experiences to improve the treatment of refugees in the future. And WUR lecturer Bram Jansen, who focuses on refugees and migration, will explain why we behave as we do and how we can use this knowledge to improve our approach in the future.
Wageningen45 renews World Talks in collaboration with Wageningen University and Research
In 2025 we hope to cherish 80 years of freedom in the Netherlands. In the coming years, those who directly witnessed World War II, the veterans and the eyes and ears of the liberation in 1945, will be taken from us and we are storing their testimonies in our collective memory.
But what of those who are making a difference today and tomorrow? We are asking them to share their role in cherishing and protecting freedom and we will learn together what our own role can be in this, in a series of global conversations - World Talks.
You are invited to join the first World Talk in the series 'Freedom: a future perspective' from 19.30 - 22.00 u on Thursday, April 6th at Impulse, on the WUR campus.
Program April 6th:
19.30 Walk in
20.00 World Talk: "Sheltering refugees future-proof: you can make a difference"
21.00 Networking drinks
Venue adress:
Impulse, WUR Campus
Building 115, Stippeneng 2
Car and bike parking in front of the building
Bus stop in front of the campus
You can register for attending the event via an e-mail to contact@wageningen45.nl.
We look forward to welcoming you!
*By attending the event you agree on the video recordings taken during the World Talk.