Join us May 3th for: Worldtalks, Free media for a free society


Join us May 3th for: Worldtalks, Free media for a free society

“Free media for a free society” 

Two years from now it will be 80 years since the Netherlands was liberated and World War II came to an end. The stories of the war and liberation are still told in the media to this day and media has always played a role in conflict, dating back to Roman times.  

We are confronted with articles about freedom, and the lack of freedom, on a daily basis. But how free is the media itself to reach us with fair and balanced reporting? In 1945 we were not only liberated from the Germans, but also from censorship in media. How free is the media now, 78 years later? What is the impact of free or controlled press on our freedom and security? How is media used as in instrument to freedom or suppression? In other words, what is the correlation between free media and freedom in society?  

A panel of experts with diverse backgrounds and opinions will debate the importance, influence and challenge of free media. Journalist Frénk van der Linden, together with WUR student Marleen Lubberdink as his sidekick, goes looking for a future perspective and invites the audience to help interview the experts. 

Pien van der Hoeven writes and teaches about media and war, about journalism and politics and about American and Dutch history. During this World Talk she describes the role of media during World War II and goes into depth on how the freedom of media after the war took shape. Saskia Loomans, journalist for NOS Stories, gives us a glimpse of the impact and challenges of currently the most popular online newsfeed for the young audience. Sakir Khader, documentary filmmaker, sharing his experience reflects on the responsibility of media reporting on conflict situations. Sanne Kruikemeier, Professor of Digital Media and Society at WUR, enlightens us with her research on depolarisation and her recommendations for a future perspective.  

Wageningen45 renews World Talks in collaboration with Wageningen University and Research 
In 2025 we hope to cherish 80 years of freedom in the Netherlands. In the coming years, those who directly witnessed World War II, the veterans and the eyes and ears of the liberation in 1945, will be taken from us and we are storing their testimonies in our collective memory. 

But what of those who are making a difference today and tomorrow? We are asking them to share their role in cherishing and protecting freedom and we will learn together what our own role can be in this, in a series of global conversations - World Talks.  

You are invited to join the second World Talk in the series 'Freedom: a future perspective' from 19.00 - 22.00 u on Wednesday, May 3rd at Omnia, on the WUR campus.  

Programme May 3th
19.00 - Doors open
19.30 - Welcome by Frénk and W45 (Chris Janssen) with Rens Buchwaldt (WUR board member) and mayor Floor Vermeulen  
19.45 - World Talks: Free media for a free society 
21.00 - End of programme, networking drinks 
22.00 - End of the event 

*The World Talk will be held in English

About the venue
This special edition of World Talks takes place at the newest facility of the WUR Campus, Omnia! 

Building 105 
Hoge Steeg 2 
6708 PH Wageningen 

Parking facilities 
You will see the signs for Wageningen Campus at all the arterial roads leading to Wageningen. On the campus, simply follow the P Route to P1. Directions to the individual buildings on the campus are provided from all major car parks. Omnia is located in B.  

Public transport 
Bus stop in front of the campus. 

You can register for attending the event via an e-mail to contact@wageningen45.nlWe look forward to welcoming you! 

*RTV Rijnstreek will record the event and broadcast this World Talk on tv, on May 4th. By attending the event you agree on the video recordings taken during the World Talk. 

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Het Nationaal Comité Herdenking Capitulaties 1945 (Wageningen45) is een platform voor vrede en vrijheid en heeft ten doel het herdenken van de capitulaties, vieren van de verkregen vrijheid en aandacht te vragen voor de wereldwijde vraagstukken van Vrede, Vrijheid en Veiligheid vanuit Wageningen, Stad der Bevrijding.

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Jaarverslag en verkorte jaarrekening 2023 / ANBI publicatie 2023




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